Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


I was just thinking about this list of bad analogies my friend Kori sent me. Most of them really sucked but there was this one I kind of liked. Every once and awile I think of this analogy. "He wasn't a bad date but if her life was a movie he'd be in the credits as "Second Tall Man." I always wonder whose credits I'd have a name in. Probably if you're reading this I'd have a name in yours. Like the people I've met here at university. I doubt, in the long run of a three hour movie, I'd be any more than second loud girl. Or maybe I'd be Alicia or Alyssa. Or maybe I'd be one of those characters that no one remembers seeing but has a name in the credits. Like Toby Maguire in Empire Records. I've seen that movie more time than any one would care to count and I don't remember an Andre, yet in the credits it says that Andre is played by Toby Maguire. Whose movie will I be an Andre in.

I didn't think that analogy was so bad. Not like "The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling
ball wouldn't. " That one always made me howl. Beautiful.


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