Friday was a good Day
Yesterday, I found out I got into Teacher's College. I didn't care which of the three I got into, so I was glad Western was the only one that accepted me (though my parent's would have preferred Windsor. Why, I'll never know.) After four months of acting confident while chewing my nails and grinding my teeth, it all ended very anti-climactically with "Offer" on the Teachers Education Application Service website. Also, my wonderful friend Miss Sherry got accepted to Western, which means that she and I will (probably) be joining Luscious Laura.Today, the chair of Finance and Building congratulated me on ... well he didn't say, so I assumed he meant teacher's college. After a moment of thought, I realize he had no way of knowing that I got in. I sent a quick little MSN message to the chair of the board who informed me that I got Director of the Year at the WLUSU Volunteer Appreciation dinner last night. Was I shocked? Aw, hell yeah. I would not have given it to me, as I see the work many directors have put into this board, as well as the stress it has caused them. Of course, I never see myself as worthy of anything, so I suppose I needed this. I have to appreciate the little surprises that remind me that, though I may not think I deserve them, someone else thinks I am doing a good job. Is this asking for outside validation? Perhaps, but I'm starting to need the surprises less and less. Perhaps I'm starting to believe that maybe I'm not a piece of crap. (I'm also very sure of myself, perhaps, maybe, almost. :D)
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