Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Why party when you can play board games and bowl?

It has been said (by myself) that Jazz Choir kids are weirdos. On Friday night, instead of going to a bar or having a wine and cheese, the Jazz Choir kids play extreme games of Apples-to-Apples, which is one of the most superb games I have had the priviledge to play. We do not drink, but eat many snacks. (Mmmm, spinach dip and Hint of Lime Tostitos...mmmm) Apples-to-Apples is too strange to explain here, but when Touchy-Feely is equated with Pro-Wrestling and Patriotism with Oranges, you know some weird shit is going down. Yet, I find that I have more fun at "Games Night" then I do at many wet events. (I mean wet as in alcohol, not as in pool parties or water gun fights, cause I certain dig both those scenes.) I think I have more fun because I'm not focusing on the act of "having fun" as I tend to at bars or house parties. The driving force is to drink and then create fun, but with "Games Night" I'm just trying to kick your ass, which is always humourous, especially because I tend to be a huge failure.

Speaking of me being a huge failure, my friend Dave is the bearer of great ideas. In response to Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone, Dave decided to start a bowling league. The basic premise of the book (according to Dave and Greg) is that Americans have lost social currency (or capital, I can never keep it straight) by bowling alone instead of bowling in leagues. We call it "Bowling Together" and, let me tell ya, there is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon then throwing shit and cheering at people who knock over stuff. We've decided, in the time honoured tradition of the bowling league, to set up teams. My team, being the sexy pigs they are, decided we should be called the "Over-the-Shoulder Bowl-der Holders", as it consists of myself, Sherry, and Amy. The beauty of this bit of riotous fun (and fist-shaking "Damn you, gutter!" "Head pins are named that because they give head to dirty old men!") is that it is double capital c C-Cheap! $5.00 for an hour of cosmic bowling is about as cheap as one can get without being You-know-who's mom. (I'm not naming names, but man, is she cheap!) Of course, if you are on team "Oat Soda", the one of clock beverages can make bowling a more financially taxing outing, but we "Bowl-der Holders" (hot DAMN, I love that name) do not imbue in the beverages at one o'clock. By the way, today I bowled like crap, whereas Sherry bowled a 257. If you see her, punch her for showing how much I suck, then talk animatedly about how she is the best bowler you've ever heard about on a blog.

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again because I tend by nature to repeat myself, but my friends are the hippest people in Southwestern Ontario. (I would say the world, but who knows? There may be some pretty freaking hip people in say, Estonia. Like Link for example. I've just never been.)

(Sorry about the delay in posting. I'd say it will never happen again, but it probably will. In the words of PBS, thank you for your continuing support.)


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