Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


Eight Relatively Unrelated Positive Things

1. I've rekindled my love for acting with "The Journey to the Bum City" a play I was in for the Fr!nge Festival here at Laurier. I forgot how good it feels to have an excuse for not being myself. Also, the cast, crew and director are some pretty hip cats.

2. The Crafter's Mafia, a crafting group I helped start here, got a mention by one of our members in the Facualty/Student Art Show here. We've all been working hard (if knitting, sewing and cross-stitching can be considered hard work) to raise some visibility for domestic arts, and it is amazing to see formal recognition. Yay, Anne!

3. I wrote an article for the my parent's union's newsletter on fair trade (which wasn't very good) and I'm getting paid $50 for it. Pretty freakin' sweet.

4. WLUSU Elections are over and I didn't die. Pretty positive, I'd say. With all the crap that usually goes down during elections, it was relatively uneventful. Also, it seems as though it is quite feasible to set up a loan system for candidates, thereby opening up the governing structure to students who don't have the $150 to $500 to spend on elections.

5. My friends are funny. This may seem small and unimportant, but I think my main form of exercise is laughing at their jokes, so it's a good thing they are so freaking funny.

6. I figured out how to do the sweet art of illusion knitting, which means I know have a scarf which looks like stripes straight on but when viewed on an angle looks like a skull and crossbones. I call it my skulf.

7. I painted my nails for the first time in ... aw, hell, it's been a long freaking time, and Alexandra says it's "really cool nail polish". So girly, yet so awesome.

8. Gin and Tonics.


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