Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


What have I done?

If anyone could explain the specifics of "the human condition" to me I would appreciate it. It seems like an all-pupose excuse for not talking, for saying that distance between two minds is a completely natural thing regardless of the fact that every one of us has met someone with which there was an immediate understanding. To me that feels like when God was giving me my soul he decided he'd only give me three quarters to start with and would give me the other quarter later, but the problem was that God misplaced that quarter for awhile so when the time came to give me that quarter, he took a quarter from another soul in hopes that he could make the switch before the other soul was sent unto the world. Unfortunately, he had some trouble locating that elusive quarter and he only found it just before the soul was going so instead of switching, that body got my quarter. Now, I'm left searching for my quarter, but "the human condition" keeps halting my process. Please, what is it? Is it the loneliness when life walks away for awhile and all I've got is books and blank screens? Is it the inadequacy of language and motion to tell everything? Is it the inability to know everything even when I think I've got it all figured out? Is it the way I laugh when I want to stand with shreaded clothes, screaming "I can't! I miss him to the point of numbness, but I can't!"? Is it that moment when I do? Is it the numbness? Is that "the human condition"? How can I push away all the piss and shit and lies when that is all I leave for myself? When does that nagging feeling that I'll never be fixed disolve into "the human condition"? Could I fix myself? Define for me the condition, so I can diagnose the affliction. Then, maybe, I can be a little less fucked up, and a little more me.


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