Rhymes with Militia...

As I get older, I realize that I correct people less and less on the pronunciation of Alysia. Now you'll never get it wrong again.


George "Dubya"'s Granddaddy was a Nazi. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Just look at the current situation with America and Arab born peoples.

Before sitting down at the computer, I must first acquiant myself with the fact that I currently have 12 or so webcomics that I check on a daily basis (or MWF, cause most of them aren't daily). Then, as I am checking those comics I must constantly repeat "You don't need to look at another comic. You already have enough." It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the damn load time. If it's a stupid website that is fickle about loading, it can take a freaking long time. The problem with webcomics is that they all have flippin' archives to spend hours going through. With newspaper comics, what you see is all you will get. With comic books, you have to pay money, sometimes quite a bit, to get the old issues. Sorry, babies, I'm not that dedicated. I was raised to be cheap, and webcomics, they don't cost me a dime, although, I'd like to think that if I wasn't stretching myself thin as is, I'd donate and freely. Will I ever be comfortable enough to feel as though I can give something other than my time? With my stupid ethics, doubtful. (Geez, I hate saying that, but it's my truth.) I wish I could pay the grocery store in time, then I could give my money to a cause where it will possibly do some good.


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